
Trekking pole baskets

/walking-canes-images/Trekking cane snow basket
/walking-canes-images/Trekking pole, basket for snow
/walking-canes-images/Trekking cane snow basket
/walking-canes-images/Trekking pole, basket for snow

Price / unit

US$ 4.72

Quantity (units)

Trekking pole baskets - extra security

Trekking pole and cane: basket for snow

An important aspect of glacier crossings or winter tours is to use trekking pole baskets. The trekking pole baskets offer better grip in snow and make it easier to move forward. The plates are easy to replace.

INDESmed customer's reviews

Berta K. - Freiburg - easy to insert and pull out

Berta K - Freiburg

easy to insert and pull out

The baskets for the trekking poles are very good for the snow. They are easy to insert and pull out, an extra gear for my trekking poles that I bought from indesmed a few months ago, and with which I can now take walks in the mountains without any problems.