Proper crutch adjustment

When recovering from surgery, an accident, or dealing with any walking difficulty, the use of Canadian crutches or walking sticks becomes vital to aid in the healing process and daily activities. However, ensuring that the crutches are well adjusted is of paramount importance to maintain a correct gait and prevent discomfort.

Common crutches typically come with a metal tube featuring different holes for adjustment. While this system is easy to use, it provides only standard heights, lacking the desired comfort and precision. Additionally, over time, these components may start to loosen, resulting in non-functional adjustments and annoying metallic noises during use.

To address these issues, our patented design of crutches offers a millimetric adjustment solution. The main tube (made of aluminum or carbon fiber) is crafted from a single piece and comes in various sizes. The millimetric adjustment of the handle and clamp along the tube allows users to customize the crutches to their specific height, ensuring a perfect fit. This simple adjustment can withstand high loads for extended periods, providing comfort and stability.

Also, remember that if you desire an even more personalized fit, they can be easily cut at the bottom by your orthopedics or our factory.

What sizes of crutches are available?

Our adult crutches are available in four sizes: S, M, L, and XL. Each size corresponds to a range of height. For example, if you measure between 1.75cm and 1.85cm, we recommend size L. You can check the size chart at the following link:

How do I choose my crutch size?

You can ensure your crutch size by measuring the distance from your wrist to the ground while standing, with your arms relaxed and close to your body (measurement b in the image). On the other hand, measure the distance from the inside of your elbow to your wrist (measurement a). The sum of both measurements will give you the ideal length of your crutch, which you can find in the third column of the following table (measurement h):

If you already use crutches regularly, you can measure the total length of your current crutch and compare that length (h) with each size’s measurement in the table above to see if it corresponds to your height and size.

Investing in well-adjusted and precise crutches can make a significant difference in your recovery process, alleviating pain in the elbows, hands, and shoulders, while improving walking and balance.